Yet another long long Friday for me I would say. Well, the day started off with me waking up unusually early around 6.30am to prepare myself for a job interview. The interview was actually at 10.30am but because I was being cautious over traffic jams, I allocated roughly 1 and a half hour for the travel time. But, I reached my destination at approximately 8.45am with around 1 and a half hour still to spare so it was rather boring just hanging out around the coffee shop for breakfast. And not to mention I only had like 5 hours of sleep prior to this so I was yawning all the while which also led me to have a 30 minutes nap in the car :)
me yawning away... lol
Regarding the job, it was a job vacancy as a marketing executive in Naza Bikers. Yea, bikers as in motorbikes or SUPERBIKES!!! It wasn't really the division I applied for but since I'm actually really interested and hoping to work in the automotive industry in the future, so this really is a good opportunity for me to start so I'm really hoping it goes well.
To be honest, this jobless streak of mine is REALLY killing me. I'm having real stressful days worrying about getting a job. Without a job, it seems like I'm also unable to get my life going as in there are many things which I don't think I can or should do without a proper income.
yes? watcha lookin' at? So anyway, after that, I met up with my friend for a game of pool just outside UCSI. Here's the thing, it's been a VERY VERY long time since I last played pool and I'm kinda desperate for a game now. Also, after that when we went to Mid Valley, I had no objections when my friend AGAIN asked to play pool!!! So this'll last me about a week or two before I start asking people out for a game again. :)
So with all these being done, it was already 6pm when I reached home. Yet, the day wasn't gonna end as it is. Instead, we planned to catch a 11.30pm movie, so we went back to Mid Valley AGAIN!!!

"Surrogates" was the title of the movie that we watched. The movie is set in a futuristic world where vast advancement in robotics resulted in humans living in isolation and interaction are only done through surrogate robots.
As you can see from the picture, Bruce Willis, who's into his mid-fifties is the lead actor here. Well, just like someone commented on, "Bruce Willis makes it watchable", I would say it wasn't a bad movie but it wasn't a very good movie as well. However, what interest me wasn't really the plot of the movie but more on the creative idea and great vision in creating this movie.
Let's think for a second. What if we were given the privilege to have surrogate robots, with the ability to enjoy ourselves with unlimited boundaries without even the slightest worry about being robbed, injured or even killed while going through our daily routines. You could even have whatever physique, looks and appearance of your preference to go out into the public. Hmm... interestingly, if it were to happen, I would presume that the world would be full of Megan Fox!!! cuz why not? Megan Fox is HAWT!!!
surrogate Megan: "wouldn't you like to look like me girls?"
But then again, living in this kind of lifestyle is not as good as it may seem. Just like the movie might suggest when Bruce Willis himself had this tough relationship going on with his wife. This is because with the use of surrogates, human beings are being isolated and so there seems to be this barrier where people don't really see face to face (as in real person) anymore and that really eliminates the sense of closeness between individuals. Like for example, would you even accept the person if all that you know about this person isn't really what he actually is. Imagine looking at a surrogate who is dead handsome (like Brad Pitt?) but for all you know, he is one fat ugly dirty lil brat who's just having fun playing around with his new toy robot in the real world. Hmmm...
Finally, I'm pretty sure that I need to apologize for making this post a grandmother story and thankfully for you, its over now.
So its off for me now... sign off time = 4am :(