For me, a dream is like being in a different world. A world with a story to tell where you find yourself as the main character of the story. But of all things, you find yourself not being able to control most part of it. You just couldn't control your actions, your thoughts and the only thing you could do is follow the flow of the story. It's like everything you do is written in a script beforehand.
As far as the story goes, all kinds of emotions could be felt which really makes you feel as if its really happening to you. Of course, there are the happy, sad or even horrified moments in one's dreams but sometimes these things just makes you want to stay there forever.
It actually happened to me just yesterday where I had this dream or a story pretty similar to the one I had a couple of months ago.
It just makes me wonder, why did the dream came up again all of a sudden? Is god trying to tell me something or is it because I really missed her that much?
I wonder...
Anyway, here's another nice song. A song from John Mayer for those who are waiting for the right person to come along into their lives...
Perhaps you should take a look at my wordpress blog www.dreamology.wordpress.com
Hi Bubble!
thanks for the link there! :)
and great analysis u have there on ur blog.
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