Ahh... how time have flied, its already November. Well, I would say that November is my favourite month and how it is also turning out to be a good one by the looks of it so far. I do have a few goals set this month and it looks like I'm currently right on track with it, BUT... I'm not gonna reveal anything here first until it is achieved :P
Also this month, Liz came down all the way from Sabah!!! Although I only had little time to catch up with her, I'm still very happy to be able to see her after such a long time.
Miss ya Liz! and good thing you gained weight! :P
Besides, there were also friends who celebrated birthday this week. A very happy birthday to Keng Shen who has just gotten a new hair cut and looks damn yeng now. So I'll hope you'll get more leng lui to be by your side? hehe... Also a very happy birthday to Nicole whom I'm so so sorry cuz did not have chance to celebrate with but will try to make it up some time later. Wish you'll have an awesome birthday and may you look younger and prettier as the year passes :)
and not to forget... GO NOVEMBER BABIES!!! :D

and that's is my update... I'm soooo tired and sleepy now... my eyes are literally crying in pain now so good night people!

Finally, I've been offered a days job experience tomorrow to see if I am suitable for the job position which I applied so it's gonna be really exciting to see if I will finally be able to get a job after such a long time. Just to put it short, I'm just really looking forward to what's ahead for the rest of the month :)
and that's is my update... I'm soooo tired and sleepy now... my eyes are literally crying in pain now so good night people!
good luck on the job!!! really excited for u too!! i know how it feels the 1st time :)
thanks liz!!! :)
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