I wanted to post this but I couldn't get the pics in any way possible out of my old w800 phone. N81 has been sent back for repair AGAIN!!!
So last Saturday I went to IMU (International Medical University) at Bukit Jalil to give my friend Qi Zheng a lil basketball practice as he has this 3 on 3 competition coming up the following week at his U. He also invited his teammates which also consist of a girl. Her name was Yen Ming and was very sharp at shooting, almost 75% of her shots went in!!! I remembered her name very well actually as one of my friend's name was Ming Yen so I just needed to turn it around and walaaahhh... there's her name!!!
Neway, we started off playing somewhere (I don't know where) in IMU which is a volleyball court with spoiled basketball rims and we managed to play for like 2 hours until we can move to the MAIN court. Now, I found out that IMU has one basketball court, one volleyball court and one futsal court. Still not bad right? But the thing is, this three courts are combined together!!! FREAKIN ALL IN ONE!!! That was why we need to wait because the volleyball team was having a friendly!!! I guess the U was not expecting their students or future doctors to be that active in sports?
Me making the basket!!! :D
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